Robert Wisbauer

Offener Brief an Präsidenten der DFG pdf

Coalgebras and Bialgebras (Cairo lectures) pdf, dvi

Algebras and Coalgebras (Kazan lectures) pdf


Grundlagen der Modul- und Ringtheorie,
             Verlag R. Fischer (Muenchen 1988)
Foundations of Module and Ring Theory, Gordon and Breach (Philadelphia 1991) pdf

Extending Modules, with N.V. Dung, D.V. Huynh, P.F. Smith,  
             Pitman Research Notes 313 (Longman 1994)
Lineare Algebra, Ein modultheoretischer Zugang mit einem Blick auf die Geometrie,
             Verlag R. Fischer (Muenchen 1994),  full text  pdf
Modules and Algebras: Bimodule Structure and Group Action on Algebras,
Pitman Monographs 81 (Longman 1996) pdf
Corings and Comodules, with Tomasz Brzezinski,
             Cambridge University Press, London Math. Soc. LN 309 (2003), Corrections pdf
Lifting Modules, with  John Clark, Christian Lomp, Narayanaswami Vanaja,
             Frontiers in Mathematics, Birkhaeuser  Basel (2006)


1) Radikale von separablen Algebren ueber Ringen, in Math. Z. (1974), pdf

2) Homogene Polynomgesetze auf nichtassoziativen Algebren über Ringen, in Journal Reine Angew. Mathematik (1975), pdf

3) Localization of modules on the central closure of rings, in Comm. Algebra (1981), pdf

4) Zur Brauer-Thrall-Vermutung fuer Ringe, in Arch. Math (1985), pdf

5) Generalized co-semisimple modules, in Commun. Algebra 18 (1990), pdf

6) Generators in Grothendieck categories with right perfect endomorphism rings, with T. Albu, Osaka J. Math. (1991), pdf

7) On modules with the Kulikov property and pure semisimple modules and rings, in J. Pure Appl. Algebra (1991), pdf

8) Modules and structure presheaves for arbitrary rings, in Adv. in Math. (China) 20 (1991), pdf

9) A structure theorem for SI-modules, with Dinh Van Huynh, in Glasgow Math. J. 34 (1992), pdf

10) Strongly and properly semiprime modules and rings, with K. Beidar, in Ring theory (Granville, OH) (1992), pdf

11) Complete Pure Injectivity and Endomorphism Rings, with J.L. Gómez Pardo and N.V. Dung, in Proc. Am. Math. Soc. (1993), pdf

12) Morita dualities induced by the M-dual functors, with J.L. Gómez Pardo and P.A. Guil Asensio, Comm. Algebra (1994), pdf

13) Module categories with linearly ordered closed subcategories, with A.M. Viola-Prioli and J.E. Viola-Prioli, in Comm. Algebra (1994), pdf

14) Modules with every subgenerated module lifting, with K. Oshiro, in Osaka J. Math. 32 (1995), pdf

15) On module classes closed under extensions, in Rings and Radicals, Pitman RN  346, pdf

16) Properly semiprime self-pp-modules, with K. Beidar, in Comm. Algebra (1995), pdf

17) Tilting in module categories,   in Abelian groups, module theory, and topology,  LNPAM 201, pdf

18) Static modules and equivalences,  in Interactions between ring theory and representations of algebras, LNPAM 210, pdf  

19) On p-injective rings, with G. Puninski and M. Yousif, in Comm. Algebra, pdf

20) Sigma-injective modules over left duo and left distributive rings, with G. Puninskii, in J. Pure Appl. Algebra (1996), pdf

21) Semiperfect coalgebras over rings, in Algebras and Combinatorics, ICA97, Hong Kong, pdf

22) Endomorphism rings of quotient modules for spectral torsion theories, with M.J. Arroyo Paniagua , J. Rios Montes, in Comm. Algebra (1997), pdf

23) On duality theory and AB5* modules, mit G.M. Brodskii, in J. Pure Appl. Algebra (1997), pdf

24) Kasch modules, with T. Albu, in Advances in Ring Theory (Granville, OH, 1996), pdf

25) M-density, M-adic completion and M-subgeneration, with T. Albu, in Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 98 (1997), pdf

26) Cotilting objects and dualities,  in Proceedings of the Conference on Representation of Algebras, Sao Paulo, pdf

27) General distributivity and thickness of modules, with G. Brodskii, in Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, pdf

28) Module and Comodule Categories - A Survey, in Proceedings of the Mathematics Conference (Birzeit 1998), pdf

29) Decompositions of Modules and Comodules, in Algebra and Its Applications, Proc. Ohio Conf. (1999), Cont. Math. 259, pdf

30)  Dual coalgebras of algebras over commutative rings, with J. Abuhlail, J. Gomez-Torrecillas,  in Journal Pure Appl. Algebra, pdf

31) Strongly Rational Comodules and Semiperfect Hopf Algebras over QF Rings, with C. Menini, B. Torrecillas,  in J. Pure Appl. Algebra, pdf

32) A-H-bimodules and equivalences,  with C. Menini, A. Seidel, B. Torrecillas, in Commun. Algebra, pdf

33) On strongly prime rings and ideals, with A. Kaucikas,  in Commun. Algebra, pdf

34) The lattice structure of hereditary pretorsion classes, with F. Raggi, J. Rios,  in Commun. Algebra, pdf

35) Homological properties of quantum polynomials, with V. Artamonov, in Algebras and Representation Theory, pdf

36) Ikeda-Nakayama Modules, with M.F. Yousif and Y. Zhou, in Beitraege zur Algebra und Geometrie, pdf,

37)  Weak corings, in J. Algebra, pdf

38)  Duprime and dusemiprime modules,  with  John van den Berg,   in J. Pure Appl. Algebra, pdf

39) On the category of comodules over corings, in Proceedings of the  3rd Palestinian conference (2000), pdf

40) Unitary Strongly Prime Rings and Related Radicals, with Miguel Ferrero, in J. Pure Appl. Algebra, pdf

41) Closure operations in module categories, with Miguel Ferrero, in Algebra Colloq. 3(2) (1996), pdf

42) Adjoint Functors and Equivalences, with F. Castano Iglesias, J. Gomez-Torrecillas, in Bull. Sci. Math. (2003), pdf  

43) On Galois Corings, in LNPAM 239, Dekker, pdf

44) On coseparable and biseparable corings, with T. Brzezinski, L. Kadison,  pdf

45) Finite Quasi-Frobenius Modules and Linear Codes, with  G. Greferath, A. Nechaev, in   J. Algebra and Application, pdf

46) On uniform bounds of primeness in matrix rings, with  K. Beidar, in J. Austr. Math. Soc., pdf 

47) Coprime Preradicals and Modules, with F. Raggi, J. Rios Montes, in J. Pure Appl. Algebra (2005), pdf

48) Noncommutative Hilbert Rings, with A. Kaucikas, in  J. Algebra Appl., pdf

49) Finite presentation and purity in categories $\sM$,  with M. Prest, in Colloq. Math. (2004), pdf

50) Correct classes of modules,   in  Algebra Discrete Math. (Kiev, 2005), pdf

51) From Galois field extensions to Galois Comodules,  in  Proc. Nanjing conference  (2004), pdf

52) The Braided Structures for  $\omega$-Smash Coproduct Hopf Algebras,  with Zhengming Jiao, in J. Algebra, pdf

53) On Galois Comodules, in   Commun. Algebra (2006), pdf

54) The braided structures for T-smash product Hopf algebras, with Zhengming Jiao, in Intern. Electr. J. Algebra (, 2007), pdf

55) N-complexes as functors, amplitude cohomology and fusion rules, with C. Cibils and A. Solotar, in    Commun. Math. Phys., pdf

56) Algebras versus coalgebras, in  Appl. Cat. Struct. (Proc. Cairo conference), pdf

57) Generators in module and comodule categories, (Proc. Faith conference), pdf

58) Hopf monads in categories, (Proc. Chennai conference), pdf

59) Radicals with the $\alpha$-Amitsur property, with S. Tumurbat, pdf

60) Modules whose hereditary pretorsion classes are closed under products, with John E. van den Berg, pdf

61) Monads and comonads on module categories, with G. Boehm and T. Brzezinski, in J. Algebra, pdf

62) Comodules and contramodules, in Glasgow J. Math., pdf

63) Bimonads and Hopf monads on categories, with B. Mesablishvili, in Journal of K-Theory, pdf

64) Galois functors and entwining structures, with B. Mesablishvili, in J. Algebra, pdf

65) On coprime modules and comodules, with I. Wijayanti, in Commun. Algebra, pdf

66) Idempotent monads and *-functors, with J. Clark, in J. Pure Appl. Algebra, pdf

67) Lifting theorems for tensor functors on module categories, J. Algebra Appl., pdf

68) Regular Pairings of functors and weak (co)monads, Algebra Discrete Math., pdf

69) Coalgebraic Structures in Module Categories, Linear and Multilin. Algebra, pdf

70) Hom-Tensor Relations for Two-sided Hopf Modules over Quasi-Hopf Algebras, with S. Bagheri, in Commun. Algebra, pdf

71) Categorical aspects of Hopf algebras, in: Quantum groups and noncommutative spaces, Vieweg und Teubner, 2011 , pdf

72) On the category of modules over some semisimple bialgebras, with V. A. Artamonov and R.B. Mukhatov, Arab. J. Math., pdf

73) Qn rational pairings of functors, with B. Mesablishvili, Appl. Cat. Struct., pdf

74) Notes on bimonads and Hopf monads, with B. Mesablishvili, Theory Appl. Categ., pdf

75) QF functors and (co)monads, with B. Mesablishvili, J. Algebra, pdf

76) Generalised bialgebras and entwined monads and comonads, with M. Livernet and B. Mesablishvili, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, pdf

77) On adjunction contexts and regular quasi-monads, J. Math. Sci. , pdf

78) Weak Frobenius monads and Frobenius bimodules, Algebra Discrete Math. , pdf

79) Coalgebra structures in algebras, Palestine J. Math., pdf

80) A categorical approach to algebras and coalgebras, Intern. Electronic J. Algebra, pdf

81) Separability in Algebra and Category Theory, in Proc. Intern. Conf. Aligarh Muslim University 2016, pdf

Iran-pictures, Iran, JPG