The mathematical colloquium of the HHU Düsseldorf takes place on
16:45 - 17:45 in room 25.22 HS 5H.
Before the colloquium from 16:15 everybody is invited for tea, coffee and cookies in
23.10.2015 |
Manfred Lehn
(Universität Mainz).
Kubische Normkurven auf kubischen Vierfaltigkeiten |
29.10.2015 |
Extra-Kolloquien (diverse Vorträge)
(etwa 10:15 - 17:30 Uhr).
Program siehe unten (Beachten Sie die Angaben zu Zeit und Ort der Vorträge!) |
30.10.2015 |
Extra-Kolloquien (diverse Vorträge)
(etwa 8:30 - 17:30 Uhr).
Program siehe unten (Beachten Sie die Angaben zu Zeit und Ort der Vorträge!) |
06.11.2015 |
Martin Gander
(Université de Genève).
Archimedes, Bernoulli, Lagrange, Pontryagin, Lions:
From Lagrange Multipliers to Optimal Control and PDE Constraints
The history of constrained optimization spans nearly three centuries.
It goes back to a letter Johann Bernoulli sent in 1715 to Varignon,
announcing a very simple rule with which the many hundreds of
different problems in fluid and solid mechanics considered in detail
by Varignon can be solved in the blink of an eye. Varignon then
explains this rule at the end of his book, but unfortunately cites the
letter of Johann Bernoulli with an incorrect date. Bernoulli's rule,
based on virtual velocities, was later carefully explained by
Lagrange, and led to the discovery of the famous multiplier method of
Lagrange, with which many optimization problems can be easily
treated. Using so called Lagrange multipliers is however a much more
far reaching concept, and we will see that one can, armed only with
Lagrange multipliers, discover the important primal and dual equations
in optimal control and the famous maximum principle of
Pontryagin. Pontryagin himself however did not discover his maximum
principle using Lagrange multipliers, he used a more geometric
argument. We will finally give the complete formulation of PDE
constrained optimization based on adjoints introduced by Lions.
13.11.2015 |
Friedrich Götze
(Universität Bielefeld).
Zentraler Grenzwertsatz und Geometrie der Zahlen
Die Approximation der Verteilung einer Summe von unabhängigen
zufälligen Vektoren durch die Gauss-Verteilung ist fundamental
für viele Anwendungen der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie.
Insbesondere ist dabei die Verteilung der euklidischen Länge von solchen
Summen von Interesse.
Im Vortrag wird dargestellt wie die Frage
der Approximationsgüte mit klassischen Gitterpunktproblemen
von Landau und Hardy aus der Geometrie der Zahlen
für grosse Kugeln und Ellipsoide
zusammenhängt. Insbesondere werden jüngste Resultate
zu Gitterpunktproblemen und der Gleichverteilung auf Bahnen von
eindimensionalen unipotenten Untergrupppen eingesetzt,
um diese verwandten Probleme für alle Dimensionen ab 5 zu lösen.
20.11.2015 |
Laurent Bartholdi
(Universität Göttigen).
Growth and Poisson boundaries of groups
Let G be a finitely generated group. A rich interplay between algebra and geometry arises by viewing G as a metric space, or as a metric measured space. I will describe two invariants of finitely generated groups, namely growth and Poisson boundary, and explain by new examples that their relationship is deep, but still mysterious.
Its growth function Γ(n) counts the number of group elements that can be written as a product of at most n generators. This function depends on the choice of generators, but only mildly.
I will show that, for almost any function Γ that grows sufficiently fast, there exists a group with growth asymptotic to Γ. These give also the first examples of groups for which the growth function is known, and is neither polynomial nor exponential.
The Poisson boundary of a random walk (given by a one-step measure) describes the tail events of the walk. If the random walk takes place on a group G, then the Poisson boundary is very much connected to classical invariants of G: if the boundary is trivial, then the group generated by the measure's support is amenable. If the boundary is non-trivial for a finitely supported measure, then G has exponential growth.
The connection between growth and Poisson boundary, however, is still mysterious. Kaimanovich and Vershik asked in 1983 whether the converse holds; namely, whether there exist groups of exponential growth such that all measure with finite support have trivial boundary.
I will show that such examples exist. Curiously, the constructions of all examples are based on a common method, that of "permutational wreath products". I will outline a few other consequences of the construction to geometric group theory.
This is joint work with Anna Erschler.
27.11.2015 |
Wolfgang Lück
(HIM Bonn).
Introduction to L2-invariants
We give an introduction to L2-homology and L2-Betti numbers which generalizes the well-known classical
notions of homology and Betti numbers. They have suprising applications to problems in topology, geometry, and group theory
which a priori seem not be related but whose proofs require L2-techniques. We also discuss some open conjectures and
will briefly treat L2-torsion, which is the analogue of Reidemeister torsion.
11.12.2015 |
Marc Nardmann
(HHU Düsseldorf).
h-Principles for curvature inequalities on open manifolds
Using Gromov's h-principle theorems for open partial differential relations, one can obtain with very little effort results in differential geometry which would be nearly impossible to prove by other methods. In particular, Riemannian and semi-Riemannian metrics whose curvatures satisfy certain strict inequalities can be shown to exist on noncompact manifolds. I will explain the technique and present many examples.
18.12.2015 |
Angela Stevens
(Universität Münster).
Blowup and global solutions in mathematical models for cell motion
Singularity formation of solutions of mathematical models
for cell motion and self-organization can be biologically
meaningful. In this talk the qualitative behavior of
partial differential equations, which describe the dynamics
of chemotactic cell motion, respectively the dynamics of the
cellular cytoskeleton, are discussed.
The models and the structure of their solutions will be explained in detail.
29.01.2016 |
Christoph Walker
(Universität Hannover).
Analysis of singular equations modeling MEMS
In his famous lecture “There is plenty of room at the bottom” from 1959,
Richard Feynman anticipated and popularized the growing need for micro- and nanostructures.
Nowadays, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are key components of many electronic
devices and have received considerable attention in the engineering
and in the mathematical literature of the last 10-15 years.
Idealized electrostatic MEMS consist of a fixed ground plate above which an elastic plate is suspended
that deforms due to an induced Coulomb force.
Such devices suffer from a ubiquitous instability occurring when the top plate touches down on the ground plate
and leading to singularities in the mathematical equations.
A commonly used model to describe MEMS involves a plate equation with a singular source term.
It is derived as a special case of a more complex singular free boundary problem.
We give an introduction to MEMS models and their analysis.
In particular, we discuss the number of stationary and global solutions for the free boundary problem.
Donnerstag den 29.10.2015 |
10:15 Uhr |
Stéphanie Cupit-Foutou
Die sphärischen Varietäten: Ein Zusammenspiel zwischen algebraischer Geometrie und Darstellungstheorie
13:00 Uhr |
Benjamin Sambale
Blocktheorie endlicher Gruppen
14:45 Uhr |
Andre Chatzistamatiou
Rationalität und Zerlegung der Diagonale
16:30 Uhr |
Ghislain Fourier
PBW-graduierte Strukturen in Darstellungstheorie und torischer Geometrie
Freitag den 30.10.2015 |
8:30 Uhr |
Oksana Yakimova
Symmetrische Invarianten einiger Lie-Algebren
10:15 Uhr |
Tobias Schmidt
p-Adische Darstellungen in der arithmetischen Geometrie
13:00 Uhr |
Remke Nanne Kloosterman
Nicht-faktorielle nodale Hyperflächen in P4
14:45 Uhr |
Orsola Tommasi
Stabile Kohomologie von Räumen glatter Hyperflächen
16:30 Uhr |
Immanuel Halupczok
Transferprinzipien zwischen lokalen Körpern