The plan is to learn about the basic set-up (concepts, terminology) for studying smooth representations of reductive p-adic groups. We start with six lectures, based on lecture notes [1]. See the programme for more details.
Main reference:
I will report on some recent work on algorithmic randomness in profinite groups. In particular, we will compare the property of "generating an open subgroup in a profinite group" against different notions of algorithmic randomness. This is joint work with Willem Fouche and Andre Nies.
In this talk, I will report on an ongoing project with Mikel Garciarena aiming to arrive at a better understanding how the class of branch groups and the class of groups whose maximal subgroups are all of finite index intersect. One main focus lies on the explicit and en masse construction of examples of branch groups outside the latter class.
Research talks
Bass-Serre theory
Totally disconnected locally compact groups
Mixed Topics
Word Growth in Groups
Bass-Serre Theory and Profinite Analogues
p-Adic analytic pro-p groups
Invariant random subgroups
Probabilistic methods in group theory